Sorry for the delay on this ROD post, I was too busy counting the skills that are being sprayed on the planter boxes. Apparently there are 6 so far but I only count 5! Ah well back to the drawing board eh?! Haha!
In all seriousness we do hope that you like the little touches that we plan on introducing to the Rooftop Of Dreams. We want to make your box one that you can be even more proud of. Plus it’ll provide a bit of inspiration when you’re knee deep in a WOD!
Anyhoo, back to business. This was written on the board today but if you didn’t get a chance to have a crack at it, see if you can’t get a chance to do so at some point this week.
A): 3 position Power Snatch (hi-hang, lo-hang, from floor).
3 sets, aiming for 80% of 1RM
NOTES: As ever your positioning is all important. You need to be hitting those correct points of performance at each stage and executing them aggressively every rep.
Remember these points:
– hi-hang: only corkscrew the knees out to a shallow dip. Bar is still in the hips and has not moved down the thigh. Shoulders are BEHIND the bar. Squeeze butt and shrug hard! Get under the bar ASAP!
– lo-hang: corkscrew those knees out, then actively push your hips back as you roll the bar down your thighs at the same time, the bar should be 1″ above knee. Aggressively open those hips to full hip extension and again shrug hard and pull yourself under.
– from floor: on the first up take off, think about driving your feet into the ground as the bar leaves the floor. Your knees should be clearing outta the way as you get to 1″ above knee. Without any pausing again aggressively open the hips, shrug and pull under.
A few things to consider on all three variations.
– Your feet. They should start under your hips. Your knees should always be pushing out to the sides when bent (both hi & Lo hangs, and the floor set up). We call this corkscrewing the knees.
– Hook grip. Enough said on that one!
– Landing. On the “catch” your feet should’ve moved to your receiving position. That is the position where you can squat with good form. If they’re not moving, get them moving.
– Locked out arms. Upon the receiving of the bar you should be fully locked out in the arms. At no time should you be pressing the bar out. Most likely if this is you it will be because you either didn’t move your feet to get under, or you’re expecting the bar to come up and say hi (alà muscle snatch) and are using your biceps too much. Or it could be both. Fix it. Fix it now please 🙂
B): 3 MAX effort L-sit holds.
NOTES: We like to place a heavy emphasis on your midline. Be it Dead Bugs, T2B’s, K2E’s, Sit ups, etc. This is because if you want to lift heavy then you need the stomach for it. Literally. (Note: even if you don’t want to lift all that heavy you still need strong abs as it will keep you more efficient during movements, not to mention keep you safe).
Stick to the same scale on all three sets. That means don’t take the easy road out and keep tucking those feet where we can’t see them. Work to your hardest scale possible and test yourself. Push hard into the paralettes locking out your arms, and for the effort to count your heels have to be in front of your thumbs. If you’re awesome at these get some bumper plates, put them out in front and keep yourself honest. Get those legs straight and keep them off the plates.
P.S: check the rules below too 🙂
L-sit rule for this task: for every single second you are worse in rounds 2 & 3, you will be penalised with a burpee (that’s 1 burpee per second folks). No gaming the first effort now either!!
Have fun!!