A): Strict Pull Up, 5 x 5 (Aim is to go for unbroken sets)
Form tips:
- Get those lats & shoulders active.
- Thumb AROUND the bar.
- Chin all the over the top of the bar.
- Pull yourself in toward the bar on your finish (you should theoretically be able to rest your chin on top of it).
- Return to full lock out at the bottom.
- No kipping!!
- The aim is for all reps to be unbroken reps in each set.
- If you start to break up the reps then try to rest no more than 20 seconds when inside of actual sets.
- If you can legitimately do 5 sets of 5 unbroken, try doing strict chest to bar pull ups. Then add weight to the move.
B): 10 minutes to find heaviest load in the following Clean Complex:
1 Power Clean
1 Hang Power Clean from the "Lo-Hang" (the barbell at 1" above knees)
1 Hang Power Clean from the "Hi-Hang" (the barbell at your pockets).
Notes & Form Tips:
- This is a test of grip and positioning. Learn in the latter two reps where your position should be at with regards to the barbell itself.
- At the Lo-Hang you gotta get right over it and EXPLODE UP!! Open those Hips, Shrug those traps!
- On all three reps you will need to pull yourself under the barbell (ever more important on the Hi-Hang). Failure to do so will result in most likely a reverse curl kinda action, and just not gravy man!
- Feet start at hip width apart, ending/landing somewhere more akin to your squatting stance. Move those feet!!
- If you need any pointers on this during Open Gym, come grab a coach and we will get you going.
Enjoy 🙂 ROD
Work out of the dayWOD
Rooftop of Dreams
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Member Booking
Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23rd April
Remember ANZAC Day is this Friday. There are some changes to our usual timetable. In place of the normal classes is just the one class @ 9:30am.
If you were unable to get in to the class, treat it either as an active recovery day (get out and use that fitness in a run or swim or a game of forty, etc). Or better yet have a rest day, reflects what the day represents and enjoy time with your family & friends.
Remember to always listen to your body. If you're feeling worse for wear sub out one of the tasks today and get some mobility in.
Rooftop of Dreams
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Member Booking