WoD: “Pendulum”
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes
15 (12) Calories
12 Kettlebell Swings
9 ‘KB’ Goblet Squats
- Well we have nearly reached the big day! 2019 has been a hectic year in CrossFitland. Lots of events happening. Lots of training the house down and now the whole year is nearly up we can finally put our feet up and enjoy the festivities.
- Treat today as the training session it is intended. To move pretty much consistently for the 15 minutes. Go out at a steady pace from the start. Go slower than you think and then once you see the time it takes to do the first round you have just yourself the challenge of staying consistent to that time in each round thereafter.
- You choose the weight on the kettlebell. The goal however is getting 5 or 6 rounds (or more if you can handle the 2 min p/round pace). Choose accordingly & you will get what you need from this workout.
- With tomorrow being the big day we will bet closed (check the pic up top for reference). Fear not, we will post a workout for you to do at home or in the park if you want to get some exercise in before lunch!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your number of ROUNDS to Beyond The Whiteboard
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