CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Tuesday 24th June

Deload week !!!!!!!!!

After last weeks heaviness (not to mention the general heavy – esqe nature of continually WODding), its time to take things down a notch and lighten up. Literally!!

This week is to be treated as a way to keep moving but at sub maximal loads when the barbell is involved. Concentrate extra hard on your quality of movement. We always strive to move well and with virtuosity, but sometimes can forget that in the pursuit of Fitness.

Take this week to really assess where you are at, use the week to recover & Mobilise. Move your body as best you can and the longer term effects will be profound for you!

And have some fun too!



Lets get after some!


As always please listen to your body. If it ain’t on, it ain’t on!! rest and mobilise!



TUESDAY 24th June


A): Strict Press, 3 x 10, (@ no more than 50% of 1RM) 

(Note: Same load across all 3 sets, load should be a challenge, but doable, to complete the reps. If you miss any reps then do NOT come down in weight, just do your best with any remaining sets/reps)


B): Barbell Bent Over Row, 5 x 10

(Note: Warm up with two to three sets. Pick same load for all 5 sets. Watch your form! Think about good posture!)


C): Assault Bike fun!

6 Minutes for total Calories of:

30 seconds “ON” – 30 seconds “Off”

 ***OR…….. grab a partner and go for 10 MINUTES. Go 30 seconds max effort each, swapping over as smoothly as possible (Be careful here, no need to jump your off or on the bike).

(Note: This may be the first time you use the Assault Bike. It’s rough but very effective! Guys try to keep the RPM above 70, girls aim for above 60. See how you go. Record total calories at the end.


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Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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