WoD: “Volvo”
30 – 20 – 10 (Reps For Time)
Box Jump Overs
- Classic combination today of a barbell and a box. There are a few combos that just will stand thew test of time pretty much forever. Running & deadlifts for example is another one that comes to mind. These types of combinations have a unique effect on the body and in turn your fitness adaptions.
- There are a decent amount of reps of each move to tackle so choose wisely with the weight of the bar & the height of the box.
- On the barbell choose the loading that allows you to do the set of 30 in 2-3 sets max. The reps should be moved nicely & smoothly too. No faltering or struggling should be seen at this stage.
- For the box jump overs you don’t need to open your hips on thew way over but you do need to consider the height of the box that makes it very reasonable for you to hop your way back onto that thing pretty much straight away. This isn’t the workout for hesitation here.
- Time wise this is definitely a sub 10 minute job AND we are focussing on negative splits. This is where each round actually gets quicker as you go. Now, of course with decreasing reps you would think this will happen naturally so lets focus on cycle time of reps and rest in between efforts If the set of 30 deadlifts took you say 90 seconds that would pro rata out as 10 deadlifts per 30 second block. So if we want you to go quicker as we go we would then need to see the round of 20 completed in under 60 seconds to make that a negative split. Don’t be that guy who races out of the blocks too fast at the beginning!
- Overall goal today is go finish faster than how you started.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
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