CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Tuesday 26/11/19

Them mid-WoD feels!! . Photo Credit: Angela Clancy

Them mid-WoD feels!!
Photo Credit: Angela Clancy

 WoD: “Twenty”

Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes  


20 Box Jumps

20 Dumbbell Snatch

20 Double Unders


M: 24″ box. 22.5kg —-|—- W: 20″ box. 15kg


  • Big chunky sets on the menu today. This is all about setting yourself up with a pace in the first round and learning to hold it for the rest of the time. (Hint: This means starting out a touch slower than you think).
  • Look to get a crisp rhythm for the jumps. Rebound only if you half the healthy calves for it otherwise stepping down is encouraged.
  • The Dumbbell Snatch will be slightly different to what you might know. We will do 10 reps on there one side before swapping over to the other. Why you ask? Well for one it is variance. Doing the same thing over & again could get boring right? But on a training note it is to reinforce the set-up position of the DB on there floor between reps. Most folks nowadays like the swap-over happening at eye level on the way down. This way will force us to lower the weight down, get a good set position and then properly push with the legs. Oh, and we will be asking for a power snatch NOT a muscle snatch version.
  • The skipping is at a low to moderate number of reps. Look to be smooth on these and the aim to be as relaxed as possible so that we can theoretically go straight back onto the box.
  • Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
  • Scale as needed.
  • Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.


Post your Number of ROUNDS/REPS to Beyond The Whiteboard.

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Rooftop of Dreams

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