Another hot week on the cards folks. Make sure you’ve been getting enough water on board 🙂
Have a nice day 🙂
A): BB Bent Over Row 5 x 8
NOTES: Concentrate hard on keeping pure form throughout. This movement is important to us because it helps build great upper back strength which in turn will benefit your pulling barbell moves (read snatch, clean & DL here), as well as your gymnastics prowess (read pull ups, bar MU, ring MU, t2b, etc).
Make the bar connect with your upper ab/lower chest region, keeping your elbows at about an angle of 45 degrees. Basically don’t let your elbows go all “boy band” and don’t keep them glued to your trunk either. Middle ground will suffice.
Once you’ve warmed up with some nominal reps at light loads, pick a load to use across all 5 sets and stick to it. You need to make EVERY rep in order to think about moving the load up next time. No exceptions.
B): 8 mins Handstand and HSPU practice. Then a 6 min AMRAP of Strict Handstand Push Ups***
NOTES: Time for some gymnastics skills and fun! Right, first up spend the first time (8 mins) on actual practice, technique, skill development. Concentrate on a stable trunk, keeping the ribs tucked and working a scale that challenges you to your biggest potential of range of motion. I’m talking no 2-Abmats folks!! Jump in the harness if you’re comfortable with it. It’ll help greatly with your development.
Next up the AMRAP. Time is set for 6 mins and the end goal is 25+ reps completed. Again we are working to a genuinely tough scale. If you knock out 10-15 in one hit then you’ve gone too easy! Remember its STRICT that we are after – NO KIPPING!!! -. In WODs you use a kip to get more work done in a shorter space of time. In this training program it’s always strict. It’s the ONLY way you will get stronger and better at them. This task is really best done against the wall itself. If you are not at a stage where you can do hspu’s on the wall then you will spend the 6 mins working on handstand kick ups and seeing how long we can get on the wall.
Either way there is a catch every time you come off the wall. Check out below 🙂
***everytime you come off the wall it’s a penalty of 15 double unders. Add 5 reps every further time that you come off of the wall! (Eg: 15 reps first time, then 20 second time, 25 third, etc, etc).