Good honest work to build that strength up!
Remember to always listen to your body. If you’re feeling worse for wear sub out one of the tasks today and get some mobility in.
A): Strict Pull Up, 5 x 5
(Aim is to go for unbroken sets)
Form tips:
– Get those lats & shoulders active.
– Thumb AROUND the bar.
– Chin all the over the top of the bar.
– Pull yourself in toward the bar on your finish (you should theoretically be able to rest your chin on top of it).
– Return to full lock out at the bottom.
– No kipping!!
– The aim is for all reps to be unbroken reps in each set.
– If you start to break up the reps then try to rest no more than 20 seconds when inside of actual sets.
– If you can legitimately do 5 sets of 5 unbroken, try doing strict chest to bar pull ups. Then add weight to the move.
B): Strict Press 3 x 5
(Try to add on 0.5kg-2.5kg from last time, AND keep the load the same on ALL 3 working sets!!).
NOTES: As always midline stability is crucial to the press. Brace, brace, brace! Really focus on squeezing everything from your toes right up thru to your diaphragm.
Have the same load on your bar for all three working sets. Warm yourself up with 2-3 sets to get you going then jump in. Rest no more than 3 mins between sets.
Get them shoulders on!! 🙂
– If you need any pointers on this during Open Gym, come grab a coach and we will get you going.
Enjoy 🙂