WoD – “Seven Times a Charm”
7 Rounds for time
7 V-ups
7 Ring Dips
21 Double Unders
- Not a barbell in sight!
- Gymnastics are a massive component to Crossfit training. Sure everyone loves to move a barbell because its very linear. you can literally see the progress by hoe many plates are on the bar or how many times you lifted it. Gymnastics however requires more due diligence. You got to put the time in and practice positions, allow your body to hit certain ranges of motion naturally and then build strength in all these areas.
- Ring dips are an overlooked movement that gets avoided time & again. They are however an amazing developer of chest, shoulders & arm strength, Those of you that want Muscle Ups, how are your dips and are they proper FULL range of motion? You can kip some? Ok cool, can you do strict & if so how many?
- Lets find out tomorrow. 🙂
- Little challenge on offer for those make a certain time grade!
- As always go out there, try your hardest & have sone fun with this one!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
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