WoD: “Costly”
Complete The Following For Time:
7 Front Squat
50 Double Unders*
6 Front Squat
50 Double Unders
5 Front Squat
50 Double Unders
4 Front Squat
50 Double Unders
3 Front Squat
50 Double Under
2 Front Squat
50 Double Under
1 Front Squat
M: 85 kg —|— W: 55 kg
*For every trip up on the rope = 10/7 Cals on the Assault Bike (14/12 Cal Row if all the bikes are taken).
Penalty to be completed once you have reached the 50 reps in that set.
- Spicy, heavy one today!!
- We are going for a beautiful combination of strength & skills. Choose a heavy weight on the bar BUT one that you can just about keep unbroken. Just!
- For the skipping stay composed and lets hope you have your skipping mojo on you today!! For every time you happen to trip up on the rope it will incur a 10/7 calorie penalty on the assault bike. (If you find all bike are taken up when you need jump on the rower for the numbers above).
- Above all else keep your cool. If you trip up once (which can easily happen), take a deep breath and try to hit the rest in a calm manner. If you get uptight & anxious after one trip you will likely make unnecessary mistakes again and push those calories up & up!!
- Good times will see you go under the 10 minuter mark. Lets see it happen from you today!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your TIME to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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