WoD: “Dead Man Running”
For Time:
21 Deadlifts (102.5 / 70 kg)
800m Block Run
15 Deadlifts (102.5 / 70 kg)
800m Block Run
9 Deadlifts (102.5 / 70 kg)
800m Block Run
- Theres something special about about the combination of deadlifting & running. This WoD is so simple its not funny. Yet its simplicity is what makes its so effective for you!
- Your challenge is to go as unbroken as you can on those deadlifts AND, when you hit the streets of Melbourne, run that 800m as fast as your legs will carry you. Don’t coast the run looking for a rest. If you truly want to get the intended stimulus of today your’ll get after it at both ends.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- 20 min time cap.
- Scale As needed.
Post time to Beyond The Whiteboard.
Score pic goes up next day
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