Concentrate hard on your quality of movement. Always strive to move well and with virtuosity.
Remember: “practice makes perfect, and perfect practice makes permanent”.
As always please listen to your body. If it ain’t on, it ain’t on!! rest and mobilise!
Not long till All-Stars !!!!
Wednesday 13th August
A): Bent Over Row, 5 x 10
(Note: Take 3 sets to warm up (starting with bar only!, then 40%, then 50%).
B): Ring Dips, 20 Reps for Quality & Strength. Time cap of 8 mins.
C): 30 Minutes of good quality MOBILITY !
Pick the two most troublesome areas to you and get after them! Spend at least 10 mins on each.
Please respect all movements and do them to the best of your ability. Swallow your pride, if you cannot do a move because its too heavy then lighten the load! If you cannot get the technique right then either grab a coach or call it a day there.