CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Wednesday 14th May

It’s Australian Regionals week!! Have a look at to check out the first weekends worth of action from the US.  It makes for fantastic viewing and gives us a glimpse at how far the competitive side has come since the days of the Ranch.


– If you need any pointers on this during Open Gym, come grab a coach and we will get you going.



A): Strict Ring Dip, 4 x 10

(Aim is to get the 10 reps done in as few sets as possible)


Form tips:

Make sure your mobility is in check to ensure you have the best range of motion in the shoulders

the challenge here is to challenge yourself and build some strength. If you’re using a band, stick to that scale. If you end up being unable to do the 4 sets of 10 because of fatigue then cut it to 3 sets.

don’t dilly dally and make sure you hit full range on every rep sets.



B): 12 Minute EMOM:

Odd mins: 200m Row

Even mins: 7 UNBROKEN Toes 2 Bar



– Be efficient on the rower, make the strokes count and aim for at least 15-20 secs rest.

– The T2B are to be UNBROKEN. If you drop before the 7th rep you will need to redo that set.

– Be smart on the bar, the objective is not to knacker you out, rather it is to teach efficiency whilst being a little fatigued. If you are smart you will wait a few seconds before jumping up on the bar on the beep.

– Make the set count and use your lats and kip to maximise efficiency.



C): Optional Challenge for the week!! – Day 3……

Lets have a little test for this week. Can you accrue some good quality time spent in the L-sit hold??? We’re talking about honest to goodness holding to your upmost hardest scale, be it straight legs with a box under you feet, or if you’re starting out, knees bent (but heels in front of your hands).

If you’re up for it your challenge is to accrue a full 8 minutes of holding the L-sit! Don’t overdo it, try to get around 90 secs – 2 mins each day and see how your betters from one day to the next, or fades if the case may be!

Give it a go and lets build that midline!



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Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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