Announcing the 2016 WoD on the RoD Games will be on Saturday 29th October.
This will be our 4th annual inter-Box competition. Its designed as a fun day of events where we get to do the CrossFit AND have fun along the way.
Embrace your CBD Community and come be a part of a special day!
WoD – “Weightlifting Wednesday”
At 0:00
Every Min On The Min x 9 Mins:
1 Power Clean @ 75% 1RM
-REST/Changeover Plates 1:00-
At 10:00
Every Min On The Min x 9 Mins:
1 Power Snatch @ 75% 1RM
-REST 1:00-
At 20:00
Stamina Training. For MAX Reps:
2 Mins Pull-Ups
- Continuing on from last week these Olympic lifting progressions we want you focusing on your speed in these movements.
- “O-lifting” is equal parts strength, speed & technique. Use the lightweight nature of the bar to hone in on that proper technique.
- This is the first week the load will probably start to fell on the moderate side of things. Stick to what you’ve learnt over that past few weeks & hone in that technique.
- Stick to the percentages accurately.
- On the Pull-Ups at the end take as many sets as you wish in the 2 minute window to achieve you MAX number.
Post numbers to Beyond The Whiteboard.
Some very cool footage of US Lifter Mattie Rogers. Check out her progress over 18 months of hard work & various meets.
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