WoD: “Strictly Speaking”
In 20 Minutes Try And Complete:
5 Strict Toes To Bar
10 Push-Ups on Plates
15 Pull-Ups
10 Strict Toes To Bar
15 Push-Ups on Plates
20 Pull-Ups
15 Strict Toes To Bar
20 Push-Ups on Plates
25 Pull-Ups
20 Strict Toes To Bar
25 Push-Ups on Plates
30 Pull-Ups
25 Strict Toes To Bar
30 Push-Ups on Plates
35 Pull-Ups
- Really great bodyweight workout on the menu today. Your gymnastics work is just as important as your weightlifting work. People will often forget that the origins of CrossFit was heavily influenced (and remains so to this day) by the gymnastics community. High volume gymnastics workouts are a norm within a well rounded program. Today we get to dig into our stores and see where we lie right now.
- Do remember that gymnastics volume is very much earned through accumulation. You haver to put in the time and there reps. The kicker being that once you get there you need to practice to keep it current. Today offers a great stimulus to both sides of the spectrum.
- Strict Toes to Bar are no easy feat. We have measures in place to actually stop us from kipping inadvertently. Feel free to break any sets early & often in order to keep moving through as best you can.
- Overall goal today firstly is to find our exactly where you are CURRENTLY at with your gymnastics strength & volume. Then simply chip away as far as you can!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
Post your TIME to your Beyond The Whiteboard account. (If you don’t complete the full list by the 20:00 add 1 second per rep left. EG: 78 reps left = 21:18).
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