Hump Day!!
Please remember, 14.4 will be held on Friday lunch and evening instead of Saturday. Book yourself accordingly.
Remember to always listen to your body. If you’re feeling worse for wear sub out one of the tasks today and get some mobility in.
Level 1 – 3 x 2 Min AMRAP of Burpee Muscle Ups, (rest 1 min between amraps)
Level 2 – 3 x 2 Min AMRAP of Burpee Pull Up (rest 1 min between amraps)
Form tips: Keep moving! This is all about revisiting and going after that rep instead of resting with hands on knees. If you are level 1 then the objective overall is constancy. Not missing any reps should be your biggest goal. Also make sure you leave the rings in a good position when you come off of them. You don’t want to fly off them and leave the rings swinging around still when you’ve gotten up off the burpee. Play smart.
If on level 2 the main focus should be rolling out the reps one after the other. Don’t faff around expecting the pull ups to do themselves. Make sure your thumbs are around the bar and be efficient with your movement. Try not to jump up and swing for too long before executing your pull up.
Level 1 – Strict Press 3 x 5. (heavier than last time if poss)
Level 2 – Strict Press as follows:
5 reps @ 70% of 1RM
3 reps @ 80%
2 reps @ 85%
1 rep @ 90%
10 reps @ 65%
Notes: Hold onto your midline. Don’t let the bar come out away from your base. Absolutely no using the legs!
C): Mobility, 30 minutes of your finest efforts.
Don’t avoid your mobility needs!
Enjoy 🙂