Theres just something special about hitting an Olympic lift rep with just the right amount of speed, technique & execution! #AWESOME!!
WoD – “Weightlifting Wednesday!”
At 0:00
Every Min On The Min x 7 Mins:
2 Squat Snatches @ 80% 1RM
-REST/Changeover Plates 3:00–
At 10:00
Every Min On The Min x 7 Mins:
2 Squat Clean & Jerks @ 80% 1RM
- Getting close to testing day now. Be sure to get in for these last few weeks of the progression.
- “O-lifting” is equal parts strength, speed & technique. Respect these components properly bar to hone in on that proper form.
- Split Jerk is preferable however revert to the push jerk if needed.
- Stick to the percentages accurately.
- This is the hardest week so far on the progression. NO touch & go reps! instead lift a rep every 25 seconds or so.
Post lifting numbers to Beyond The Whiteboard.
Such a hard workout. Will we see this pop up in the CBD programming???
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