Oly Strength WoD –
For Max Loads:
Power Clean
3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3
- Strength Day y’all!
- Going heavy on one of the technical lifts! There are 7 working sets to get through so consider starting out around the 70-75% mark and build slowly from there if you’re moving well.
- Remember Olympic Lifting is equal parts technique, mobility, speed and strength. Just simply ripping that bar off the floor isn’t going to get you very far. Work all the positions. Feel them out first up at very light loads. Only add small amounts of kilo on to the next set if you are moving well. Adding 5-10kg too much almost always results in a pretty big deviation in form. Yes, the idea is to lift Heavy. Yes, the idea is to see if you’ve got a new PR in the tank today. BUT no! It’s not a day to just try & beat your buddy’s score by 1kg just because you want bragging rights!
- Nail those positions, stick your landings and go have some fun with this one! Little by little, a little becomes a lot.
- Lift Heavy*. Have fun!!
- *= “Heavy” is a relative term. Meaning that the actual number of kgs does not matter. What does matter is that YOU have lifted as Heavy as you were able to safely, & in turn YOU forced an adaptation upon your own body.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Modify as needed.
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