Concentrate hard on your quality of movement. Always strive to move well and with virtuosity.
Remember: “practice makes perfect, and perfect practice makes permanent”.
As always please listen to your body. If it ain’t on, it ain’t on!! rest and mobilise!
Wednesday 23rd July
A): BB Bent Over Row, 3 x 10, (Same Load Across All Three Sets, make it challenging)
(It’s Chilly Out!! Warm Up accordingly! Cool Down too with some drop sets. This is compulsory!!)
(Note: Look after your posture. straight & tight back throughout, shoulders back. Engage your bigger muscles as opposed to muscling the bar with biceps!).
B): Midline Superset!
i – GHD Sit up, 3 x 10-15 reps
ii – GHD Hip Extension, 3 x 15 – 20 reps
(Note: There are more reps on the Hip Ext than the Sit Up as we want to help you build a strong set of Hammies & low back. GHD Sit Ups are fantastic but lets not forget what the GHD was actually designed for, we’ll give you a clue, it ain’t for the six pack!! Be sure to treat the machine, & your body, with the respect it deserves. If the rep scheme is too much then simply swallow your pride and lower them! ).
Second note: If you are inexperienced on the GHD then you need a coaches approval & guidance first. Your scale for this would be to do the same rep scheme but do overhead sit ups & barbell good mornings instead).
C): 30 Minutes of good quality MOBILITY !
Pick the two most troublesome areas to you and get after them! Spend at least 10 mins on each.
Please respect all movements and do them to the best of your ability. Swallow your pride, if you cannot do a move because its too heavy then lighten the load! If you cannot get the technique right then either grab a coach or call it a day there.