Strength WoD:
For Load:
1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1
Row 500m TT
- The Deadlift, so crucial is it to keeping our functionality and independence in everyday life it should be seen as a staple in safeguarding yourself, much like eating cleanly and brushing your teeth.
- The simple of act of picking something up and putting it down again is often overlooked and sometimes neglected in its sheer importance. Some simple facts: If you avoid lifting things then you will NOT have any exposure or experience at it when “life” calls upon you to lift something awkward and/or heavy. If you suffer from back ache from sitting at work all day deadlifts will actually HELP you get that area better & stronger. If a doctor or medical professional has told you not to lift anything heavy ever again, whilst they always have your best interests at heart, their advice is unfortunately counterintuitive. In oder to build a strong back to withstand life and/or sports’ ups & downs you need a strong back and strong core. Both of which can be obtained by doing Deadlifts and specially doing some heavy Deadlifts. (Please take note: when we say heavy we mean that on a relative scale. What is heavy to you may not be to someone else and visa versa. And to add to that fact we only ever let you lift heavy once you have shown competency & consistency in the technique at lighter loads).
- Today we are going to be hitting up some Heavy singles. Each set should be feeling very heavy. Go as heavy as your form allows and rest up adequately between each set. “Just” 5 singles hey? You bet this one will leave you jaded after!!
- The CrossFit Total is also due up next week so this is a great chance to see where we are currently at and help you prepare your numbers for that day. Call it a dress rehearsal if you will.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your LOADS to Beyond The Whiteboard
How is your Handstand practice going for the JULY CHALLENGE?? Keep at it!!
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