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WoD – “Weightlifting Wednesday”
At 0:00
Every Min On The Min x 8 Mins:
1 Squat Clean @ 80% 1RM
-REST/Changeover Plates 2:00-
At 10:00
Every Min On The Min x 8 Mins:
1 Squat Snatch @ 80% 1RM
- “O-lifting” is equal parts strength, speed & technique. Respect these components properly bar to hone in on that proper form.
- This is the first week you are squatting these movements. As such the load will probably start to feel on the moderate-to-heavy side of things. Stick to what you’ve learnt over that past few weeks & hone in that technique.
- Stick to the percentages accurately (NOTE: you are using this off of a testing day from 5 weeks back, see links above. If you did not do that day then we will find a number of kg that is appropriate to you. We will NOT be letting you slap on 80% of a number you haven’t hit in years! NO exceptions!)
Post numbers to Beyond The Whiteboard.
How to meal prep for the week in under an hour
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