If you haven’t already check out the website from your phone. We had it upgraded to be mobile applicable. If you have your iPhone handy go check out the site. It looks awesome!!
Anyways back to business.
A): Front Rack Lunges 3 x 14 !
NOTES: We’ve gone a couple reps longer this week! Try to add a bit of weight from what you accomplished last week. But what we want is unbroken reps. Once the bar is up don’t put it down! Remember to have your shoulder width stance and lead with your front foot. when you place your lead foot down keep the shin vertical. Don’t let it shoot forwards over the toes and likewise don’t hide behind the foot either. A nicely stacked shin is what you want. Brace your stomach, keep it tight! Torso upright, elbows up! When it’s time to drive back up to the standing position be sure to really drive off your lead foot.
B): 20 – 30 Minutes of pure MOBILITY !!
NOTES: How’s this coming along?? We varying body parts without forgetting your most needed mobs? If you can truly answer yes then you’ve nothing to worry about.
P.S: Mobility also includes this thing called “stretching”. Weird huh?