The food challenge is nearly upon us (starts this saturday!!). Are you prepping yourself accordingly? Is the cupboard still full of all the Christmas treats? Is your fridge full of “healthy” fruits? Are you still enjoying lots of frothy milk in your coffee? If you answered yes to any of these then you’d better get your skates on as we’ve only a couple days to get it right.
Details of the challenge will be revealed very very soon, stay tuned!
A): Tabata Kettlebell swings (28/20), then at the completion of that, 2 mins max reps ring dips.
NOTES: Nice little conditioning piece. We’ve gone a wee bit heavier than normal, this is to help condition us to moving a large load, long distances and move it quickly. Once you can move a heavier than normal KB (with excellent form of course!), the next tie you grab hold of a standard KB you should find it more bearable and in turn you should be more efficient. On the form front, keep the back straight, chest up, and pop through slamming your knees back! Your heels should be driving into the ground, NOT up & away from it.
Once you’ve finished the Tabata*, rest for the final 10 seconds then go straight into your 2 minute timer and hit those ring dips for max reps. With the dips make sure you hit full range of motion. Start at lock out, descend down until the ring touches the arm/bicep region. Drive back up to that lock out again. DO NOT COUNT REPS THAT FALL SHORT OF THESE STANDARDS.
*Quick note: A Tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20 seconds max reps in an all out effort, followed by a 10second rest period. You score your Tabata by counting the lowest round of reps (i.e.: If round 3 you only do 2 swings but in all other rounds you score 20, then your score is 2!).
B): Mobility, 30 mins AND Nutrition Prep for rest of this week and next week.
NOTES: how long has it been since you went after that pesky tight hip? Or your foot? Or your lat? (we could go on and on here).
Get to work either at the box after a class or at home in front of the tv. Refer to for everything mobility related you can think of! You should also have noticed that we had a little move around inside and have created a ‘Mobility Corner’. we have gotten in some awesome visual resources for you to look at and self mobilise as needed. It’s conveniently split into movement patterns (squatting, running, pulling, etc) so you know what can be done to help with certain moments, etc. Please make use of these as they will be invaluable to your recovery.
Have fun!!
Nutrition Prep for the rest of the week. Yep, you read that right. (also as a side note, our nutrition challenge is only 4 days away and preparation is the key to good nutrition so this will be popping up more often). This is one for you to do on your way home (grab any shopping you need), and at home (get in the kitchen and cook up a batch of loveliness to fridge/freeze). Prep for the rest of the week, and maybe even a bit into next week too.