WoD: “Swing Low”
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes
6 Muscle Ups
24 Kettlebell Swings
M: 24kg —|— W: 16kg
- Fun one to tackle today guys! Although one round has “just” 30 reps there is a whole heap of work required to make it all happen. Everything today will be controlled by those powerful hips of ours. Use them to some good advantage and you’ll likely fare very well.
- Today also we will offer out the choice of which Muscle-Up you want to do. Rings or Bar. Remember that although lots of CrossFit workouts seem like races or contests of who can get the “best” score. We are in actual fact training & exercising. So we call to you to work on the one that needs your attention the most. Sure, you may love the bar muscle-up however does the ring version trouble you more so? If so would today be a good day to work on those?? Food for thought.
- #WorkCapacityAcrossBroadTimeandModalDomains #WhatIsFitness
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your Number of ROUNDS/REPS to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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