Welcome to the ROD Athlete Program week 2!
Please make sure to read the “Training Guidelines” page and the “How It All Works” page to familiarise yourself with everything.
Please post your results, good or bad to us via the comments or my email. : )
A: 10 mins to find 2RM Hang Power Snatch (be strict on your time limit here!)…….Then perform 3×2 @ 90% of the 2RM.
We want you to spend a genuine 10 mins on finding your 2RM for today (it doesn’t always have to be a PR!!!). Not 9 mins, not 11 or 15 mins. Only 10 mins!!!
– Make sure your set up is spot on.
– Feet start under the hips.
– Shoulders slightly over and in front of the bar.
– Back is as tight as you can possibly muster.
– Get that bar moving upward whilst keeping yourself over the bar (not hiding behind it).
– When it’s time to explode open those hips up to the fullest. Really open them, don’t play about here.
– Delay any early arm bend. We mean really delay it. Imagine how long you think you have to delay it by and times that by 100!
– When receiving under the bar be sure to ‘punch’ yourself down and under it (don’t press up, press yourself DOWN). Your arms should be at lockout at the receiving point.
– Be sure to move your feet in time for the receiving.
– Remember it’s a Power Snatch so you only receive at a partial squat position (NOT below parallel).
– After reading the thousands of cues I’ve just written up grab yourself a coffee, give yourself a hug and tell yourself it’ll be alright.
– Have fun with this one. Done right it’s a great feeling to get the bar going!
B: Practice Forward Rolls for 10 mins
NOTES: Work on the hollow body and using your thoracic spine and back of shoulders as the first point of contact on the gym mat. Remember to look at your belly button throughout. Don’t look ‘up’ or your’ll knock your head all over the floor. Plus your’ll never quite get the ‘roll’ factor in place which enables the safe landing-to roll-to stand up motion. Grab a coach if you want any assistance. Please don’t hesitate to ask.